Take charge of your reservations


Made Easy.

Make friends, not customers.

The best way to manage your Railway

RailZoom's railway management software will help you fill your seats, grow relationships with guests, and run consistently smooth events with easy-to-use solutions and powerful integrations, so you can make every moment matter.

Heritage Events

Use a reservation platform that allows you to run heritage events and offers all the features necessary to run reservations for a heritage railway to full potential. As most of the income of heritage railway associations is generated from ticket sales a reservation platform is a vital tool for running a heritage railway.
Use the multiple configuration possibilities and features to take full control of your reservation platform and to provide the best client experience. We’ve thought of everything from the smallest detail to the biggest features.

Event driven

Organize events with ease year round. Diversify & Grow your customer base

Powerfull scheduling

Benefit a flexible and powerful scheduling platform. Use regular or overlapping trips.

Automated & General Seating

Customers can choose preferred seats or a number general seats.

Boarding passes

Automate the ticketing process by using boarding passes and validation.

Regular Ticketing

Use the reservation platform to sell regular train tickets. Schedule train one way/round/overlapping trips to include one or multiple train stations.

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